* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
* Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
* Create the FCKeditorAPI object that is available as a global object in
* the page where the editor is placed in.
var FCKeditorAPI ;
function InitializeAPI()
var oParentWindow = window.parent ;
if ( !( FCKeditorAPI = oParentWindow.FCKeditorAPI ) )
// Make the FCKeditorAPI object available in the parent window. Use
// eval so this core runs in the parent's scope and so it will still be
// available if the editor instance is removed ("Can't execute code
// from a freed script" error).
// Note: we check the existence of oEditor.GetParentForm because some external
// code (like JSON) can extend the Object prototype and we get then extra oEditor
// objects that aren't really FCKeditor instances.
var sScript =
'window.FCKeditorAPI = {' +
'Version : "2.6.4",' +
'VersionBuild : "21629",' +
'Instances : window.FCKeditorAPI && window.FCKeditorAPI.Instances || {},' +
'GetInstance : function( name )' +
'{' +
'return this.Instances[ name ];' +
'},' +
'_FormSubmit : function()' +
'{' +
'for ( var name in FCKeditorAPI.Instances )' +
'{' +
'var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.Instances[ name ] ;' +
'if ( oEditor.GetParentForm && oEditor.GetParentForm() == this )' +
'oEditor.UpdateLinkedField() ;' +
'}' +
'this._FCKOriginalSubmit() ;' +
'},' +
'_FunctionQueue : window.FCKeditorAPI && window.FCKeditorAPI._FunctionQueue || {' +
'Functions : new Array(),' +
'IsRunning : false,' +
'Add : function( f )' +
'{' +
'this.Functions.push( f );' +
'if ( !this.IsRunning )' +
'this.StartNext();' +
'},' +
'StartNext : function()' +
'{' +
'var aQueue = this.Functions ;' +
'if ( aQueue.length > 0 )' +
'{' +
'this.IsRunning = true;' +
'aQueue[0].call();' +
'}' +
'else ' +
'this.IsRunning = false;' +
'},' +
'Remove : function( f )' +
'{' +
'var aQueue = this.Functions;' +
'var i = 0, fFunc;' +
'while( (fFunc = aQueue[ i ]) )' +
'{' +
'if ( fFunc == f )' +
'aQueue.splice( i,1 );' +
'i++ ;' +
'}' +
'this.StartNext();' +
'}' +
'}' +
'}' ;
// In IE, the "eval" function is not always available (it works with
// the JavaScript samples, but not with the ASP ones, for example).
// So, let's use the execScript instead.
if ( oParentWindow.execScript )
oParentWindow.execScript( sScript, 'JavaScript' ) ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko10 )
// FF 1.0.4 gives an error with the request bellow. The
// following seams to work well.
eval.call( oParentWindow, sScript ) ;
else if( FCKBrowserInfo.IsAIR )
FCKAdobeAIR.FCKeditorAPI_Evaluate( oParentWindow, sScript ) ;
else if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
// oParentWindow.eval in Safari executes in the calling window
// environment, instead of the parent one. The following should
// make it work.
var oParentDocument = oParentWindow.document ;
var eScript = oParentDocument.createElement('script') ;
eScript.appendChild( oParentDocument.createTextNode( sScript ) ) ;
oParentDocument.documentElement.appendChild( eScript ) ;
oParentWindow.eval( sScript ) ;
FCKeditorAPI = oParentWindow.FCKeditorAPI ;
// The __Instances properly has been changed to the public Instances,
// but we should still have the "deprecated" version of it.
FCKeditorAPI.__Instances = FCKeditorAPI.Instances ;
// Add the current instance to the FCKeditorAPI's instances collection.
FCKeditorAPI.Instances[ FCK.Name ] = FCK ;
// Attach to the form onsubmit event and to the form.submit().
function _AttachFormSubmitToAPI()
// Get the linked field form.
var oForm = FCK.GetParentForm() ;
if ( oForm )
// Attach to the onsubmit event.
FCKTools.AddEventListener( oForm, 'submit', FCK.UpdateLinkedField ) ;
// IE sees oForm.submit function as an 'object'.
if ( !oForm._FCKOriginalSubmit && ( typeof( oForm.submit ) == 'function' || ( !oForm.submit.tagName && !oForm.submit.length ) ) )
// Save the original submit.
oForm._FCKOriginalSubmit = oForm.submit ;
// Create our replacement for the submit.
oForm.submit = FCKeditorAPI._FormSubmit ;
function FCKeditorAPI_Cleanup()
if ( window.FCKConfig && FCKConfig.MsWebBrowserControlCompat
&& !window.FCKUnloadFlag )
return ;
delete FCKeditorAPI.Instances[ FCK.Name ] ;
function FCKeditorAPI_ConfirmCleanup()
if ( window.FCKConfig && FCKConfig.MsWebBrowserControlCompat )
window.FCKUnloadFlag = true ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( window, 'unload', FCKeditorAPI_Cleanup ) ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( window, 'beforeunload', FCKeditorAPI_ConfirmCleanup) ;