Hacked By AnonymousFox
# Brotli Extension for PHP
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This extension allows Brotli compression.
Documentation for Brotli can be found at
[» https://github.com/google/brotli/](https://github.com/google/brotli/).
## Build
% git clone --recursive --depth=1 https://github.com/kjdev/php-ext-brotli.git
% cd php-ext-brotli
% phpize
% ./configure
% make
$ make install
## Configuration
## Function
* brotli\_compress — Compress a string
* brotli\_uncompress — Uncompress a compressed string
## brotli\_compress — Compress a string
### Description
string **brotli\_compress** ( string _$data_ [, int _$quality_ = 11, int _$mode_ = -1 ] )
This function compress the given string using the ZLIB data format.
### Parameters
* _data_
The data to compress.
* _quality_
The higher the quality, the slower the compression.
(Defaults to 11)
* _mode_
The compression mode can be `BROTLI_GENERIC` (default),
`BROTLI_TEXT` (for UTF-8 format text input) or `BROTLI_FONT` (for WOFF 2.0).
### Return Values
The compressed string or FALSE if an error occurred.
### brotli\_uncompress — Uncompress a compressed string
### Description
string **brotli\_uncompress** ( string _$data_ [, int _$length_ = 0 ] )
This function uncompress a compressed string.
### Parameters
* _data_
The data compressed by brotli\_compress().
* _length_
The maximum length of data to decode.
### Return Values
The original uncompressed data or FALSE on error.
## Examples
$compressed = brotli_compress('Compresstest');
$uncompressed = brotli_uncompress($compressed);
echo $uncompressed;
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox