Hacked By AnonymousFox
/* Takes a graph laid out by twopi and adds rings.
* Assumes ARGV[] = "root" "=" <rootname>, as output by twopi -v.
* Usage:
* twopi -v foo.dot > out 2> log
* gvpr -f addrings.g -a"`grep root log`" out | neato -n2 ...
graph_t og;
edge_t e;
node_t ctr = node($, ARGV[0]);
double rs = 1.0; /* min. slack between the squares of two consecutive radii */
int cx, cy;
int x, y;
node_t n;
int i, n_r;
int d;
int rads[int];
char* ctr_s = ctr.pos;
sscanf (ctr_s, "%d,%d", &cx, &cy);
if (hasAttr($, "ranksep")) {
sscanf ($.ranksep, "%f", &rs);
if (rs == 0.0) rs = 1.0;
rs *= 72;
rs = 1.5*rs*rs;
N [$ != ctr] {
sscanf ($.pos, "%d,%d", &x, &y);
d = (x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy);
for (rads[i]) {
if ((rads[i]-rs <= d) && (d <= rads[i]+rs)) return;
rads[n_r] = d;
og = copy (NULL, $);
og.outputorder = "nodesfirst";
setDflt (og, "N", "label", "\\N");
for (rads[i]) {
n = node(og, "ring_"+((string)i));
n.shape = "circle";
n.pos = ctr_s;
n.style = "";
n.label = "";
d = rads[i];
n.width = sprintf("%f", sqrt(d)/36.0);
for (n=fstnode($);n;n = nxtnode(n))
clone (og, n);
for (n=fstnode($);n;n = nxtnode(n))
for (e=fstedge(n);e;e = nxtedge(e,n))
clone (og, e);
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox