in source mode should produce a tab space in the text area, not
// changing the focus to something else.
if ( keystrokeValue == 9 && FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
var range = document.selection.createRange() ;
if ( range.parentElement() != FCK.EditingArea.Textarea )
return true ;
range.text = '\t' ; ;
var a = [] ;
var el = FCK.EditingArea.Textarea ;
var selStart = el.selectionStart ;
var selEnd = el.selectionEnd ;
a.push( el.value.substr(0, selStart ) ) ;
a.push( '\t' ) ;
a.push( el.value.substr( selEnd ) ) ;
el.value = a.join( '' ) ;
el.setSelectionRange( selStart + 1, selStart + 1 ) ;
if ( evt.preventDefault )
return evt.preventDefault() ;
return evt.returnValue = false ;
return true ;
} ;
FCK.Events = new FCKEvents( FCK ) ;
// DEPRECATED in favor or "GetData".
// DEPRECATED in favor of "SetData".
FCK.SetHTML = FCK.SetData ;
// InsertElementAndGetIt and CreateElement are Deprecated : returns the same value as InsertElement.
FCK.InsertElementAndGetIt = FCK.CreateElement = FCK.InsertElement ;
// Replace all events attributes (like onclick).
function _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceTags( tagMatch )
return tagMatch.replace( FCKRegexLib.EventAttributes, _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceEvents ) ;
// Replace an event attribute with its respective __fckprotectedatt attribute.
// The original event markup will be encoded and saved as the value of the new
// attribute.
function _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceEvents( eventMatch, attName )
return ' ' + attName + '_fckprotectedatt="' + encodeURIComponent( eventMatch ) + '"' ;
function _FCK_ProtectEvents_RestoreEvents( match, encodedOriginal )
return decodeURIComponent( encodedOriginal ) ;
function _FCK_MouseEventsListener( evt )
if ( ! evt )
evt = window.event ;
if ( evt.type == 'mousedown' )
FCK.MouseDownFlag = true ;
else if ( evt.type == 'mouseup' )
FCK.MouseDownFlag = false ;
else if ( evt.type == 'mousemove' )
FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnMouseMove', evt ) ;
function _FCK_PaddingNodeListener()
if ( FCKConfig.EnterMode.IEquals( 'br' ) )
return ;
FCKDomTools.EnforcePaddingNode( FCK.EditorDocument, FCKConfig.EnterMode ) ;
if ( ! FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && FCKDomTools.PaddingNode )
// Prevent the caret from going between the body and the padding node in Firefox.
// i.e. |
var sel = FCKSelection.GetSelection() ;
if ( sel && sel.rangeCount == 1 )
var range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ) ;
if ( range.collapsed && range.startContainer == FCK.EditorDocument.body && range.startOffset == 0 )
range.selectNodeContents( FCKDomTools.PaddingNode ) ;
range.collapse( true ) ;
sel.removeAllRanges() ;
sel.addRange( range ) ;
else if ( FCKDomTools.PaddingNode )
// Prevent the caret from going into an empty body but not into the padding node in IE.
// i.e. |
var parentElement = FCKSelection.GetParentElement() ;
var paddingNode = FCKDomTools.PaddingNode ;
if ( parentElement && parentElement.nodeName.IEquals( 'body' ) )
if ( FCK.EditorDocument.body.childNodes.length == 1
&& FCK.EditorDocument.body.firstChild == paddingNode )
* Bug #1764: Don't move the selection if the
* current selection isn't in the editor
* document.
if ( FCKSelection._GetSelectionDocument( FCK.EditorDocument.selection ) != FCK.EditorDocument )
return ;
var range = FCK.EditorDocument.body.createTextRange() ;
var clearContents = false ;
if ( !paddingNode.childNodes.firstChild )
paddingNode.appendChild( FCKTools.GetElementDocument( paddingNode ).createTextNode( '\ufeff' ) ) ;
clearContents = true ;
range.moveToElementText( paddingNode ) ; ;
if ( clearContents )
range.pasteHTML( '' ) ;
function _FCK_EditingArea_OnLoad()
// Get the editor's window and document (DOM)
FCK.EditorWindow = FCK.EditingArea.Window ;
FCK.EditorDocument = FCK.EditingArea.Document ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
FCKTempBin.ToElements() ;
FCK.InitializeBehaviors() ;
// Listen for mousedown and mouseup events for tracking drag and drops.
FCK.MouseDownFlag = false ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( FCK.EditorDocument, 'mousemove', _FCK_MouseEventsListener ) ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( FCK.EditorDocument, 'mousedown', _FCK_MouseEventsListener ) ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( FCK.EditorDocument, 'mouseup', _FCK_MouseEventsListener ) ;
// Most of the CTRL key combos do not work under Safari for onkeydown and onkeypress (See #1119)
// But we can use the keyup event to override some of these...
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
var undoFunc = function( evt )
if ( ! ( evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey ) )
return ;
return ;
switch ( evt.keyCode )
case 89:
FCKUndo.Redo() ;
break ;
case 90:
FCKUndo.Undo() ;
break ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( FCK.EditorDocument, 'keyup', undoFunc ) ;
// Create the enter key handler
FCK.EnterKeyHandler = new FCKEnterKey( FCK.EditorWindow, FCKConfig.EnterMode, FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode, FCKConfig.TabSpaces ) ;
// Listen for keystroke events.
FCK.KeystrokeHandler.AttachToElement( FCK.EditorDocument ) ;
if ( FCK._ForceResetIsDirty )
FCK.ResetIsDirty() ;
// This is a tricky thing for IE. In some cases, even if the cursor is
// blinking in the editing, the keystroke handler doesn't catch keyboard
// events. We must activate the editing area to make it work. (#142).
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && FCK.HasFocus )
FCK.EditorDocument.body.setActive() ;
FCK.OnAfterSetHTML() ;
// Restore show blocks status.
FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'ShowBlocks' ).RestoreState() ;
// Check if it is not a startup call, otherwise complete the startup.
return ;
function _FCK_GetEditorAreaStyleTags()
return FCKTools.GetStyleHtml( FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS ) +
FCKTools.GetStyleHtml( FCKConfig.EditorAreaStyles ) ;
function _FCK_KeystrokeHandler_OnKeystroke( keystroke, keystrokeValue )
return false ;
switch ( keystrokeValue )
case 'Paste' :
return !FCK.Paste() ;
case 'Cut' :
FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
return false ;
// In source mode, some actions must have their default behavior.
if ( keystrokeValue.Equals( 'Paste', 'Undo', 'Redo', 'SelectAll', 'Cut' ) )
return false ;
// The return value indicates if the default behavior of the keystroke must
// be cancelled. Let's do that only if the Execute() call explicitly returns "false".
var oCommand = FCK.Commands.GetCommand( keystrokeValue ) ;
// If the command is disabled then ignore the keystroke
if ( oCommand.GetState() == FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED )
return false ;
return ( oCommand.Execute.apply( oCommand, FCKTools.ArgumentsToArray( arguments, 2 ) ) !== false ) ;
// Set the FCK.LinkedField reference to the field that will be used to post the
// editor data.
// There is a bug on IE... getElementById returns any META tag that has the
// name set to the ID you are looking for. So the best way in to get the array
// by names and look for the correct one.
// As ASP.Net generates a ID that is different from the Name, we must also
// look for the field based on the ID (the first one is the ID).
var oDocument = window.parent.document ;
// Try to get the field using the ID.
var eLinkedField = oDocument.getElementById( FCK.Name ) ;
var i = 0;
while ( eLinkedField || i == 0 )
if ( eLinkedField && eLinkedField.tagName.toLowerCase().Equals( 'input', 'textarea' ) )
FCK.LinkedField = eLinkedField ;
break ;
eLinkedField = oDocument.getElementsByName( FCK.Name )[i++] ;
})() ;
var FCKTempBin =
Elements : new Array(),
AddElement : function( element )
var iIndex = this.Elements.length ;
this.Elements[ iIndex ] = element ;
return iIndex ;
RemoveElement : function( index )
var e = this.Elements[ index ] ;
this.Elements[ index ] = null ;
return e ;
Reset : function()
var i = 0 ;
while ( i < this.Elements.length )
this.Elements[ i++ ] = null ;
this.Elements.length = 0 ;
ToHtml : function()
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.Elements.length ; i++ )
this.Elements[i] = ' ' + this.Elements[i].outerHTML + '
' ;
this.Elements[i].isHtml = true ;
ToElements : function()
var node = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'div' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.Elements.length ; i++ )
if ( this.Elements[i].isHtml )
node.innerHTML = this.Elements[i] ;
this.Elements[i] = node.firstChild.removeChild( node.firstChild.lastChild ) ;
} ;
// # Focus Manager: Manages the focus in the editor.
var FCKFocusManager = FCK.FocusManager =
IsLocked : false,
AddWindow : function( win, sendToEditingArea )
var oTarget ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
oTarget = win.nodeType == 1 ? win : win.frameElement ? win.frameElement : win.document ;
else if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
oTarget = win ;
oTarget = win.document ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( oTarget, 'blur', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnBlur ) ;
FCKTools.AddEventListener( oTarget, 'focus', sendToEditingArea ? FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus_Area : FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus ) ;
RemoveWindow : function( win )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
oTarget = win.nodeType == 1 ? win : win.frameElement ? win.frameElement : win.document ;
oTarget = win.document ;
FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( oTarget, 'blur', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnBlur ) ;
FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( oTarget, 'focus', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus_Area ) ;
FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( oTarget, 'focus', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus ) ;
Lock : function()
this.IsLocked = true ;
Unlock : function()
if ( this._HasPendingBlur )
FCKFocusManager._Timer = window.setTimeout( FCKFocusManager_FireOnBlur, 100 ) ;
this.IsLocked = false ;
_ResetTimer : function()
this._HasPendingBlur = false ;
if ( this._Timer )
window.clearTimeout( this._Timer ) ;
delete this._Timer ;
} ;
function FCKFocusManager_Win_OnBlur()
if ( typeof(FCK) != 'undefined' && FCK.HasFocus )
FCKFocusManager._ResetTimer() ;
FCKFocusManager._Timer = window.setTimeout( FCKFocusManager_FireOnBlur, 100 ) ;
function FCKFocusManager_FireOnBlur()
if ( FCKFocusManager.IsLocked )
FCKFocusManager._HasPendingBlur = true ;
FCK.HasFocus = false ;
FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnBlur" ) ;
function FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus_Area()
// Check if we are already focusing the editor (to avoid loops).
if ( FCKFocusManager._IsFocusing )
return ;
FCKFocusManager._IsFocusing = true ;
FCK.Focus() ;
FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus() ;
// The above FCK.Focus() call may trigger other focus related functions.
// So, to avoid a loop, we delay the focusing mark removal, so it get
// executed after all othre functions have been run.
FCKTools.RunFunction( function()
delete FCKFocusManager._IsFocusing ;
} ) ;
function FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus()
FCKFocusManager._ResetTimer() ;
if ( !FCK.HasFocus && !FCKFocusManager.IsLocked )
FCK.HasFocus = true ;
FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnFocus" ) ;
* #1633 : Protect the editor iframe from external styles.
* Notice that we can't use FCKTools.ResetStyles here since FCKTools isn't
* loaded yet.
var el = window.frameElement ;
var width = el.width ;
var height = el.height ;
if ( /^\d+$/.test( width ) ) width += 'px' ;
if ( /^\d+$/.test( height ) ) height += 'px' ;
var style = ;
style.border = style.padding = style.margin = 0 ;
style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
style.backgroundImage = 'none';
style.width = width ;
style.height = height ;
})() ;